Instagram Lecture

How to send out Instagram

When you create an article about Bon Dimanche Market on your own Instagram account, you may want to end your post with the words#BongmanPlease include the “.

#BongmanArticles selected by our staff from submissions marked with a “*” will appear in the “Pick Up” section of this website.

Let’s make Bon Dimanche Market a success together!


  • Submissions are not always guaranteed to appear in the “PickUp” section of this website.
  • It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that submissions do not infringe on the portrait rights, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
  • The copyright of the submitted images, videos, and comments belongs to the contributors. However, by the act of posting, the contributor is deemed to have given free permission to Bon Dimanche Market to post them on its official website and official social networking sites.
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